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D.M.I.T (Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test)


DMIT is a test to unwrap the hidden potential of every human being. There are very few who identify their potential well on time on their own or by mentor and achieve their life goal. But what about others? Every Individual must perform their D.M.I.T

Brain Mapping Test

After purchase, you will get a call/mail or message to confirm a time for fingerprint scanning online. It will take approx. 2 working days to study all fingerprints and generate the report. Once generated that will be mailed to you and in the same mail confirm counseling timing as well.

This is one for life time test so everyone should go for the same. Also recommended to have counsel every after 2 years. To know the balance of Inborn Talent and Acquire Talent go for Aptitude Test as well before counseling (For Adults)


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