
Mind Mastery Workshop


‘Mind Mastery’ Adult Training Workshop is a very Unique 2-day workshop to Unleash your hidden potential with ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES.

We often find that those who enroll for this workshop are unaware of their capacities; our goal is to empower all the participants through the expansion of knowledge. And through this workshop, we intend to bring changes within ourselves.

More about Mind Mastery

We have two types of Mind – Conscious & Subconscious. Between our Conscious state & sleep, there is a most important state of Mind which is called the Alpha State of Mind. Our Conscious Mind has 10% of powers & Subconscious Mind has 90% of powers. If we can programming of the Subconscious Mind scientifically, it has the power to convert our desires & goals into reality.

This workshop is all about practically using our Subconscious Mind. During the alpha state, our Subconscious Mind is ready to accept our commands & starts working on them. By learning how to go into the alpha state when desired & to program our Subconscious Mind we can get lots of benefits.

Let’s join hands to grow faster & give our genuine contribution to the positive growth of society.