
Advance Midbrain Activation


What is Advance Midbrain Activation?

Once Mid Brain is activated then it increases the learning power of your child and will help them in the transformation as the super kid. Once the Left and Right Brains are balanced then the child can do so many things that a normal child can’t.  Advanced midbrain activation is the next level of overall brain development.

Advanced Mid Brain Activation contains 3 different workshops

  1. Quantum Speed Reading
  2. Photographic Memory
  3. Extra Sensory Perseption.

As we all know that reading engages the eyes, ears, mouth, and brain. Anyhow, speed perusing connects with these faculties considerably more than typical perusing because you utilize your faculties and mental aptitude much more effectively.

Quantum Speed Reading is the advanced level of Midbrain Activation.


In Quantum speed reading, students can read the book by flipping its pages. They don’t open the book like traditional learning to read it.

 Children can read the book of 100 pages in 30 minutes time. It helps them in their study, especially during exam time when they need to revise their whole book in the very short period of time.

Those children who have completed their Midbrain activation basic course, they can go for Quantum speed reading.

Age group for Quantum Speed Reading

We consider 8-15 years age group for Quantum speed reading course. Those who are below eight years cannot perform some exercises well as their prefrontal lobe is under development stage

A photographic, memory is included in reviewing pictures, names, words, and numbers with compelling accuracy. This preparation is loaded with imagination and planned in a play-way system with heaps of fun and pleasure.

Photographic Memory is the advanced level of Midbrain Activation.


Developing this type of memory can increase your overall brain activity and it also brings a lot of benefits to other areas as well.
You also get an increased peripheral vision and awareness of many things.
You will be able to concentrate and focus well with the best memory which will eventually give you better results.
This course makes you enable to learn faster and more effectively which will in the end benefit you a lot.
With this course, you become more intelligent than the normal people you usually come across.

Sometimes we feel something good or bad will going to happen around us or anything like this is known as sensory perception. This happens to us unknowingly. To do an activity like this by own wish is known as EXTRA SENSORY PERSEPTION.

Extra Sensory Perseption is the advanced level of Midbrain Activation.


Development of Intuition Power.

Increase Self Confidence

Identify things under Bowl / Lid

Ability to gain information about an object, or location without sense organs.

Ability to move objects with the power of one’s thought.

Let’s join hands to grow faster & give our genuine contribution to the positive growth of society.